Devotional – Worry
- Today we learned God provided for Early Americans, what does the Bible say about God’s provision?
- Read, or someone read the Teaching verse. FYI: The memory verse is further down
Matthew 6:25 Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you wear.
Big picture God Provides
- Q: Everybody worries; some more than others. What things do you worry about (share your examples)?
- Q: Do you think Jesus ever worried? Why didn’t He worry? (He knew God provides)
- In the teaching verse God says we should not worry about anything.
- We learned Early American Pilgrims had many things they could have worried about including food, shelter, illness, and hostile natives. But somehow, they survived and thrived despite all their troubles.
- We don’t know how much worry played a part of their lives, but we do know from their letters and historical accounts that they believed strongly in God and His protection.
- They trusted that God would provide for them and make a great nation out of the wilderness of Early America, despite their hardships.
- Today, God tells us not to worry about our life. Life may be easier for us than the Early Americans, but back then, life was simpler than now. We have new things to worry about today. But God still takes care of us, just like He did the Early Americans.
- There is a hidden promise from God in the teaching verse. That promise is, if we are obedient to what God tells us to do, including not worrying, God will provide for us.
- It must have been tempting for the Early Americans at times to worry because everything seemed dangerous and ready to kill them. But hundreds of years later, we see how much God provided for them growing this nation into one so strong and amazing! They couldn’t see how good things would be today. But they could see God working in their lives and trust that He would provide for them.
- God teaches us that He will provide all our needs, meaning, we will not starve or die of thirst. And, He teaches us that He will even provide clothes for us to wear and a roof over our head.
- God provides. He keeps His promises. Just look at Early America vs today. See what God can do.
Memory Verse #2
Ask if anybody knows it yet and can say it? Read it together 2X Consider having a memory verse pamphlet for kids take home.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
Topical Questions
Why do people worry so much? Does worrying help you?
Jesus said you cannot add a single minute to your life by worrying, so why do we worry still?
What are we telling God by worrying, when He says not to? Are we trusting Him to provide for us?
Closing Prayer
Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for us! You created the world and everything in it including us, so why should we worry? Help us to live our life trusting You instead of trying to solve our problems without You. Help us to fight our battles on our knees in prayer, rather than worrying. We love You, Lord. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray. Amen!
Devotional HT06F Version Date: 11/4/2023
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