Devotional - Trusting God
- Today we learned many national symbols that make this country great!
- Now, let’s see what the bible has to say about what makes a country great?
- Read, or someone read the Teaching verse. FYI: The memory verse is further down
Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
Big picture Scriptures encourage us to put our trust in the Lord, not in man or money!
- Q: Check out those coins again! Can anyone find the saying that is on all the coins?
- A: The saying is, “In God We Trust.” Trusting God is so important that we say it on all our money, so everyone can see it every day!
- We need to trust God too!
- Matthew 6:24 commands us to serve God above all national symbols and all things created.
- Q: Why do we need to trust God above all these things we just learned about tonight?
- Matthew 6:24 commands us to trust God more than money, and more than any man, even our President.
- The Bible doesn’t mean that we distrust everyone including the President, instead it means trust God more than anything or anyone. God can always be trusted. He never fails us. He always protects us.
- And, money is not bad nor is having money, but we should never put our trust in money.
- What is bad is the love of money, the desire to be rich. The Bible says we should be rich in good deeds.
- We should never trust in our possessions either (like land, homes, cars, boats or other toys).
- Our verse teaches us that trusting in both God and money or posessions doesn't work either. Service to God must come first.
- Q: So, why do TV and movie shows all glorify rich and powerful people? Is God glorified in these?
- The world will tell you that being rich is everything, that money is more important than God. Don’t believe it!
- And if people let you down and maybe even hurt you, well that’s because we all sin and fall short of God. But God will never leave you or forsake you.
Memory Verse #2
Ask if anybody knows it yet and can say it? Read it together 2X Consider having a memory verse pamphlet for kids take home.
Matthew 22: 37-39 Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Topical Questions
If you could have all the money in the world without having God, would you take the money?
Does God want us to give away all our money to help others?
Why do you think the Bible talks so much about money and the evils of love of money?
Why are our national symbols important to all U.S. citizens, Christian and non-Christian?
Can you give an example of serving God first?
Closing Prayer
Dear God, we thank You that You allow us to live in the United States of America! You have blessed us beyond all other nations! You were with our godly forefathers, and you are with us today. We pray that these Trailmen will trust in You, and You alone, not in money or people, and not anything other than You. In your name Jesus Christ, we pray these requests! Amen!