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Devotional – Astronomy
Trail Life Troop
Mountain Lion
Science & Technology
Core 5: Astronomy

Devotional – Astronomy


  • It was fun learning about the science of Astronomy, now let’s see what God says about Astronomy.
  • Read, or someone read the Teaching verse. FYI: The memory verse is further down

Genesis 1:16 God made two great lights - the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.


Big picture God’s greatness shines continuously even when the Sun is out. During the day, we cannot see the stars, but they still shine. His glory and grace are the same way.

  • Q: Are the stars still shining when the Sun is out? And is the moon still there in the daytime? (Yes)
  • Q: Why can’t you see the stars during the daytime?
    Stars are hidden by the brighter light of the Sun
  • When we look up at the stars, the sun, and the moon it should remind us of God’s power, but also His love for us because He made all creation perfectly to support life on earth.
  • If the earth was closer to the Sun, it would be too hot to support life. If further from the Sun, too cold.
  • The moon acts like a shield around the earth keeping most smaller meteorites away and it regulates the seasons and tides.
  • The location of the earth in our solar system protects the earth from larger meteorites called asteroids.
  • The location of our solar system in the universe protects it from supernovas and other major interstellar events that could wipe out our solar system.
  • If you could travel as fast as you wanted into the heavens, you would never reach the end of the universe. It is so big it is beyond our understanding how big it is.
  • God made all creation perfect. But sometimes we forget how amazing the universe He created is.
  • We get so wrapped-up in our own circumstances and what we see around us, we lose God’s perspective.
  • God’s glory and grace are like the universe. We take them all for granted. We don’t see them, like the stars in daylight, but God’s glory and grace are still there. Protecting us. And, reminding us of the glory of God.
  • God isn’t far away, even though the heavens are so large. He cares about you. He cares about all of us.
  • The heavens tell of the glory of God; And their expanse declares the work of His hands!
  • So, next time you look up into the skies. Thank God for how truly amazing He is. Thank Him for His grace in creating such a wonderful place for us to live. And praise Him for His power and glory because He used that power to make all the heavens for you, and for me, for everyone, for He loves us!

Memory Verse #3

Ask if anybody knows it yet and can say it? Read it together 2X Consider having a memory verse pamphlet for kids take home.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Topical Questions

  1. Think of the biggest number you know. Now multiply that number by itself. What number do you have?
    The universe is bigger.
  2. Can we know all about how the universe works?
    We know a little, but we will never understand it all. It is too big.
  3. Have you ever looked up at the sky and thought you were insignificant?
    God doesn’t think that. Think of our significance to bear His image in this grand universe.

Closing Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, when we look up into the sky and see the sun, moon and stars, help us to be thankful for Your creation. We stand in awe of Your omnipotent power that You created all this. For You hold the infinite universe in the palm of Your hands. There is nothing You cannot do. Thank you for sending Your son, Jesus to die for our sins. In Your Son Jesus Christ’s name, we give You praise. Amen!

Devotional ST05M Version Date: 3/23/2022

We welcome suggestions for improvements to this lesson to .

View devotional online at https://www.traillife613.org/woodlands-trail-devotionals/mountain-lion/astronomy-science-and-technology-astronomy

Trail Life Troop NC-613 is a ministry of The Shepherd’s Church of Cary, NC.
6051 Tryon Rd., Cary, NC 27518

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Ephesians 6:13 (ESV)

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